Mental Strengthening and Self-Upgrading for Pharmacy Students, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia


Department of Pharmacy – On Saturday, July 16, 2022, the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program held an event for 2019 students entitled “Mental Strengthening and Self Upgrading”. This event itself is in collaboration with the Metamorphosis Clinic, one of the centers of applied psychology in Yogyakarta.


The event started at 08.00 and was opened directly by the Deputy Dean for Human Resources, FMIPA UII, apt. Saepudin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., who explained during his remarks and opened the event that at times like these students really need mental strengthening and self-upgrade because the burdens carried by students themselves are very heavy, not just a factor. lectures but also life factors on campus and also after the Covid-19 pandemic at a time like this, and hope that the event held this time can have a positive impact on the mentality of students in responding to college life in the future so that students can graduate quickly and are also able to have good careers.


After the event was opened, Metamorphosis took over the entire series of events, first was an assessment of all students who participated in this event, Phasniwati, M.A., a psychologist, as from Metamorphosis, explained that the self-assessment was carried out in the initial step and was useful for evaluating mental health levels. each student who took part in this event which would later be useful for the next action if needed, the form of assessment consisted of 2 tests which were designed for students. After undergoing the assessment, the next event was sharing and icebreaking for students to share with each other and in groups to play exciting games prepared by metamorphosis.


And the last one is reflection, at this moment from the metamorphosis side, they make psychological encouragement by flashing past memories from student participants that are useful for making them evaluate themselves and realize that there are so many things that can motivate life and this is the culmination of self-upgrade. and mental strengthening, as the coordinator of the apt. Mutiara Herawati, S.Farm., M.Sc, said that overall this event was considered successful because of the enthusiasm of the students in attendance and in the question and answer session, besides the active factor of students in this entire series of events. -Udin

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