Informasi PNDI 1/ONDI & PTA Fakultas MIPA (The Information of PNDI 1/ONDI & PTA, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)

Universitas Islam Indonesia

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Kami informasikan kepada seluruh Mahasiswa/Mahasiswi FMIPA UII Angkatan 2023

Bahwasanya Diwajibkan untuk mengikuti kegiatan PNDI 1 & PTA yang akan dilaksanakan pada :

Tanggal : Jum’at, 25 Agustus 2023
Tempat: Ruang Kelas Fakultas MIPA UII
Jam : 07.00 – 17.30 WIB

We inform all students of FMIPA UII Class of 2023

That you are required to take part in PNDI 1 & PTA activities which will be held on:

Date: Friday, August 25 2023

Place: UII Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty Classroom

Time : 07.00 – 17.30 WIB

Dress code:
– Laki2 = peci hitam, kemeja putih lengan panjang, celana panjang hitam, kaos kaki, sepatu
– Perempuan = kerudung putih, baju kurung putih lengan panjang, rok panjang hitam, kaos kaki, sepatu

Dress code:

– Men = black cap, white long-sleeved shirt, black trousers, socks, shoes

– Women = white headscarf, white long-sleeved shirt, long black skirt, socks, shoes

Perlengkapan yang perlu dibawa:
– Alat tulis
– HP (untuk mengerjakan evaluasi/ujian)

Berikut informasi kelas, ruangan, manual acara dan tata tertib:

Equipment you need to bring:

– Stationery

– Hand phone (for doing evaluations/exams)

The following is class information, room, event manual and rules:

flyer, background, ebook, dan screen LCD per fakultas bisa diakses di bawah ini :

flyers, backgrounds, e-books and LCD screens each faculty can be accessed below:

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh