Semester Academic Plan (RAS)

At the beginning of each semester, students who have registered are required to submit an academic activity plan, including students who are only working on their thesis/final project. Students submit academic activity plans directly by entering the courses they will take into their Study Plan Card (KRS) via computer.

The number of credits that can be taken ranges from 12 – 24 credits, depending on the student's academic achievement and other provisions related to certain courses. The KRS filling period is determined by the University/Faculty and is listed in the Academic Calendar.

For students who need consultation on the courses they will be taking or other problems related to academics, the Faculty/Department/Study Program (Prodi) provides Academic Supervisors (DPA).

The purpose of providing DPA is to help/direct students in choosing courses, selecting study concentrations, and other academic issues.

Terms and procedures for filling out KRS are as follows:

New Students (First Semester)

  1. Thave registered
  2. Filling in the KRS is carried out by the operators of each Department/Prodi.

Old Student

  1. Thave registered.
  2. Fulfill all requirements to be able to fill out the KRS.
  3. If necessary, provide guidance to the DPA.
  4. Fulfill the predetermined KRS filling schedule.
  5. Fill in directly to the computer the courses taken according to the SKS allotment, and request a print out of the KRS entries to the Faculty/Department/Prodi operator after completing the KRS.
  6. Changes to the KRS contents, whether changes to courses or classes, can only be made during the specified KRS revision period.
  7. RAS filling can be done via the UII website (

Number of credits/subjects that can be taken

  1. For New Students (first semester), the number of credits that can be taken is determined according to the 1st semester course package for each department, ranging from 18-22 credits.
  2. For old (active) students, the number of credits that can be taken is based on the combined N-1 semester GPA and cumulative GPA matrix.

For students who are returning active:

  • For students who have permission to leave from college, the credit allocation is based on the allocation for the last semester before leaving
  • For students who do not have permission to take time off from college, the credit allocation = 12 credits
  1. For those who take KKN
  2. If a student takes Regular KKN 1, he or she may not take the course in the regular semester.
  3. If a student takes Regular KKN 2, he is only allowed to take a maximum of 3 courses and cannot take studio/Practicum/Practical Work courses.
  4. If a student takes Extension KKN, Independent KKN or Partnership KKN, he is allowed to take courses according to the credit allocation, including KKN credits.
  5. If a student takes Regular KKN 1 or Regular KKN 2 in the Even Semester, and the KKN implementation coincides with the Short Semester, he or she is not permitted to take the Short Semester.
  6. Students who take KKN (especially Regular 2, Extension, Partnership and Independent) and take courses in the regular semester are not allowed to be inactive for reasons of taking KKN.
  7. For those taking a thesis/final project If a student takes a Thesis/Final Project or a Thesis substitute course (specifically for the Faculty of Economics), he or she is only allowed to take a maximum of 3 courses other than the Thesis/Final Project or a Thesis substitute course.

For those taking thesis/final assignments and KKN

  1. If a student takes a Thesis/Final Project or a substitute course for a Thesis at the same time as Regular KKN 1, he or she is not permitted to take the course.
  2. If a student takes a Thesis/Final Assignment or a Thesis Replacement course at the same time as Regular KKN 2 or Extension KKN or Independent KKN or Partnership KKN, he or she is only permitted to take a maximum of 2 courses outside of the Thesis/Final Assignment and KKN.
  3. If a student has been declared to have exhausted theory, he or she is only allowed to take KKN courses, practical work and thesis/final assignment.


  1. If for some reason the student cannot be present to fill in the KRS, he can represent someone else with a Power of Attorney which includes the name and number of the student giving the power of attorney, the name and number of the student being given the power of attorney, as well as a list of courses to be taken, and handed over to key-in officer.
  2. Students who do not fill in their KRS during the KRS filling period can fill in their KRS during the KRS revision period with a fine of 3 credits.

Students who do not fill out the KRS even though they have registered/paid the tuition fee installments are advised to apply for academic leave and have their fees paid for installments I or III of the tuition fee installments I or III returned.

Semester Credit System (SKS)

Universitas Islam Indonesia in providing education using the Semester Credit System (SKS). In this system, student study load, learning experience load, lecturer workload, and program implementation load are expressed in Semester Credit Units.
One credit is a unit of time for learning activities in one semester through scheduled activities per week of 1 x 50 minutes of lecture/face-to-face activities, 1 x 50 minutes of independent learning activities, and 1 x 50 minutes of practice/assignment/homework or 2 x 50 minutes. practicum minutes or 4 times 50 minutes of field work. Each course is rewarded with a number of credits, according to the number of activity hours used per week.
Educational activities consist of mandatory activities and optional activities. Compulsory educational activities must be participated in by all students, while optional educational activities are provided to fulfill the total credit load that must be fulfilled, and are a channel for each student's interests, talents and abilities.
In the Credit System, there is no level increase in each academic year. The number of credits and the composition of courses taken each semester, as well as the study completion time, do not have to be the same between one student and another. The number of credits that can be taken in one semester is determined by the student's individual abilities as indicated by the previous semester's achievement index, except for students in the first semester in the form of a package. Thus, this system provides opportunities for students who are capable and diligent in studying to be able to complete their studies in the shortest possible time.
Courses are generally grouped into 5 main groups, namely:
  • MPK : Personality Development Course
  • MKK : Scientific and Skills Courses
  • MKB : Creative Skills Course
  • MPB : Work Behavior Course
  • MBB : Living Together Course

Student Independent RAS

So far, to carry out RAS key-in, we have used UNISYS which has been instrumental in accompanying us for the past two decades. Currently, to increase the convenience of students in undergoing the key-in process, we are providing new facilities to carry out the key-in process, namely UII RAS.

UII RAS can be accessed via the address and to log in, you can use an SSO account like all facilities at UII. The login process can be done as shown below, enter your ID and Password then press “Masuk”.

After successfully logging in, you will be directed to the main UII Gateway page, on this page, currently the facilities that appear are UII RAS, according to the role the student has and in the future the facilities that can be accessed will increase according to the increase in facilities available to students . To access UII RAS please click on the UII RAS application as in the image below.

The contents of the UII RAS page are as follows, there are several menus that can be accessed by students in the form of Key-in, Entry and Report. To perform key-in, please select the "Key-in" menu as in the image below.


When we open the Key-in menu, we will be directed to a page like the one below. At the top a description of the key-in period will appear. This period will change according to the schedule set by the faculty/department. By default, the tab that appears is the course recommendation tab as in point number 2 in the image below, the courses that appear below are courses that correspond to the semester the student is currently undertaking, for example semester 4 then the recommended courses that appear are 4th semester courses.

To access all courses offered during the key-in period, please select the "List of courses" tab as shown in point 1 in the image below. When this tab is selected, a list of all courses offered during the key-in period will appear as in point 2. To make searching easier, filter facilities are provided here based on, semester, day, session, class and class occupancy, apart from that it is also provided Search facility that can be used by entering the name of the course or lecturer's name.

To do key-in, there are several ways you can do it, as follows.

  • Press the key-in button directly on the desired course as in point 1 in the image below. The key in button on the course list functions to move courses to the basket as well as perform key-in. For courses that are successfully keyed, all buttons will be disabled as in points 1, 2, 4 and 5.
  • Press the basket button as in point 2 below. This button functions to move courses to the basket. Courses that have been included in the basket are not counted as reducing or getting class quota, because this basket is only temporary and is intended for preparation.
  • Pressing the key-in button as in point, this facility functions to key-in all courses that have been entered in the basket and have not been keyed-in.
  • For point 6 in the image below, it displays information about your credit allotment, the total number of courses and credits that have been entered into the basket.
  • Click the key-in all button as in point 7. This button functions to key-in all courses that have been entered in the basket and have not yet been keyed in.

Additional Information on the Key in Process

The basket is only a temporary holding area before key-in, courses that have been entered into the basket but have not been successfully keyed in mean that they have not been counted as getting or reducing the class quota.

When there is a schedule that has a conflict or does not meet the requirements to be taken, a pop-up will appear as below.


The RAS entry menu can be accessed by selecting the "Fill" menu in the RAS menu list as shown in point 1 in the image below. This field has the same function as the RAS field in UNISYS. In this facility there is a list of courses that have been successfully keyed, facilities for deleting courses and also facilities for RAS verification which previously in UNISYS was called “cetak ras”

To delete, you can press the delete button on the course you want to delete as in point 2 in the image below.

Courses that have been successfully deleted in the image above will be available again in the key-in menu as in the image below. Apart from being deleted from key-in, the course in question also appears from the basket when it is deleted from the Fill menu.

The next facility is verification, its function is the same as printing races in UNISYS. Please note, verification functions to lock the key-in results and cannot be added or deleted.

For the record, if it is not verified by the student, the key-in results will be verified automatically at the end of the revision period.

If during the key-in period the student has already verified, then the verification can only be opened again during the revision period, this depends on department policy, some have automatic verification and some remain locked.

To carry out verification, you can do this by pressing the verification button in the image above, if successful, green success information will appear. Apart from that, verification time information will appear as in the image below and all delete buttons will be disabled.

Apart from the delete button in the Fill menu which is disabled, all buttons on the key-in page are also disabled when the hey-in has been verified.


The next menu is "Report" which contains the key-in history of the student concerned. To access it, you can do this by selecting the "Reports" menu, once it opens you will be immediately directed to the "Results" tab where students can see a list of lecture schedules that have been successfully keyed in.

Additionally there are tabs “Riwayat” which contains the key-in history, here it will be displayed when the student accessed the UII RAS application, when the student did the key-in and first revision as well as information on when to verify.

Additionally at the bottom there is a table showing the key-in history. This facility records every key-in and delete process that is successfully carried out, details along with the time the action was carried out and the perpetrator of the action will also display the NIM if the perpetrator is the student himself, and the NIK if the perpetrator is an officer.

With this, it is hoped that students will be able to know the history of every change that occurred during the key-in period.

To download the pdf file, you can download it here PDF Guide to Using UII RAS Mandiri Students

You can also watch the latest key in guide video using UII RAS at the following linkNew Way to Use Key in UII RAS

Congratulations on implementing Key in RAS…


  1. Lectures each semester are held for 16 to 19 weeks, including exams and evaluation activities.
  2. The duration of the lecture is 50 minutes per credit per week.
  3. Lecture activities for each course credit per week are detailed as follows:

Student Activities:

50 minutes face to face with the lecturer according to the schedule prepared by each Study Program 50 minutes of structured academic activities or unscheduled study activities planned by the lecturer 50 minutes of independent academic activities, namely activities that students must carry out independently to deepen their assignments academic

 Student Activities :

50 minutes of face-to-face contact with students according to the academic schedule prepared by each Study Program 50 minutes of planning and evaluation of structured academic activities 50 minutes of lecture material development

  1. Each Study Program can organize practicums or other activities according to the needs of the Study Program
  2. Every student is required to participate in lectures and scheduled activities for at least 75% and practicum for 100% of the activities carried out.

Mid-Semester Exam (UTS) and Final Semester Exam (UAS)  

Exams are part of the education system and are a means of evaluating progress and the ability to absorb knowledge which is expressed by the Achievement Index (GPA). IP measurement is carried out at the end of each semester, which is called Semester IP, while the Cumulative IP is the student's IP for a certain period of time, starting from when the student first registered at UII until the last semester taken.

Exams (apart from thesis/final project exams, recitation, KKN, practical work and practicum) are carried out in the form of: scheduled written exams, namely the Mid-Semester Exam (UTS) and Final Semester Exam (UAS). Apart from that, the evaluation component can be added with assignments, namely writing scientific papers, seminars, oral exams, structured/attached assignments, solving questions, reports and other assignments carried out before the UAS.

Assessment of Learning Outcomes :

  1. Students' learning activities and progress are regularly assessed which can take the form of exams, task implementation and safeguards.
  2. Exams are held through Mid-Semester Exams (UTS) and Final Semester Exams (UAS), Final Assignment Exams and Thesis  Exams.
  3. Mid-Semester (UTS) and Final Semester Examinations (UAS) are structured assessment of learning outcomes which are held on a scheduled basis in the middle and end of the semester.
  4. Carrying out tasks given by lecturers to students can take the form of book reading reports, case evaluations, comments on articles/news, writing papers or other forms of activities determined by the lecturer.
  5. Implementation of assignments for each course is given by the lecturer at least 2 (two) times in one semester.
  6. Observations are observations made by lecturers regarding lecture attendance and student activity in the teaching and learning process.
  7. Assessment of learning outcomes is expressed in the form of letters, each of which has the following values :
A    = 4.00 B+   = 3.25 C+    =  2.25 D+  = 1.25
A-   = 3.75 B     = 3.00 C      =  2.00 D    = 1.00
A/B = 3.50 B-    = 2.75 C-     =  1.75 E    =  0
  B/C  = 2.50 C/D   =  1.50  

To be able to take part in UTS and UAS, students must meet the following requirements :

  1.  Pay the second installment of tuition fees for the odd semester and the fourth installment for the even semester.
  2. Take the Exam Card at the Academic Administration Section of each faculty.
  3. Validate the Exam Card at the Academic Administration Section of each faculty by showing proof of payment of tuition fees



Students on academic leave are students who are not registered in a particular semester with the permission of the Chancellor with the provisions :
  1. Students who will take academic leave are only permitted for students who have actively taken 2 (two) semesters in the first year.
  2. Academic leave is granted per semester and has a maximum duration of 4 (four) semesters, whether consecutive or non-consecutive.
  3. Students who take academic leave are exempt from tuition fees and if the student concerned is active again they are required to pay administration fees and can take credits in accordance with the latest IPS.
  4. Academic leave procedures and re-activation procedures are determined by the Chancellor's regulations.
  5. Students who take leave without permission are subject to fixed tuition fees during inactivity which must be paid when they are active again and can only take 12 (twelve) credits.
Students who will be on academic leave must apply for academic leave permission when filling out the form provided by the Faculty by attaching:
  1. Academic leave request letter that has been signed by the Dean. Photocopy of Student Identity Card.
  2. Library Exemption Certificate (Central and Faculty). Photocopy of receipt for payment of the last tuition fee installment for the relevant academic year.
  3. Receipt for payment of academic leave administration money from the Bank (original).
  4. Cumulative KHS (academic record) which has been signed by the DPA and the head of each department/study program.
  5. Students can take an Academic Leave Permit that has been signed by the Vice Chancellor I (one) no later than 2 days after the leave application is submitted Extension of study leave must include another leave request letter from the Faculty.
The academic leave application schedule can be seen on the academic calendar


The list of documents as Active Submission Requirements for Indonesian Islamic University students is as follows:
  1.  Proof of payment of chess dharma;
  2. Proof of installment payment for all SPP bills; And
  3.  Study Leave Permit Letter

Students Run Out of Theory :

  1. Students who wish to be declared finished in theory are required to submit a request to finish theory accompanied by a statement that has finished theory.
  2. Students who have excess credits due to taking too many elective courses can submit a request to the dean so that the excess credits/courses from the theory exhaustion requirements are not counted in determining the cumulative GPA.
  3. The faculty issues a decision letter on the basis of theory which is signed by the faculty.

Important ! :

  1. Students who have been declared to have exhausted theory are not allowed to take courses in the regular semester and short semester.
  2. Students who have been declared to have finished theory are not allowed to return to status where they have not finished theory

Thesis or Final Project

A thesis or final assignment is a scientific written work carried out by students towards the end of their studies. Student scientific writing can be the result of research activities, literature studies, case studies or planning by carrying out scientific analysis according to their respective scientific disciplines.

Academic Requirements

  1. Have taken a minimum number of credits in accordance with a certain GPA in accordance with the provisions of each Department or Study Program (see Faculty Handbook)
  2. Include a thesis or final assignment or a substitute course for the thesis in the RAS
  3. For majors or study programs that have a concentration, the topic of the thesis or final project must be in accordance with the concentration chosen.

Fulfill other requirements set by the Faculty/Department/study program