Legalization Information for Alumni of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Legalization is the process of affixing an official stamp and signature by an authorized person (in this case, the Dean of FMIPA UII) on a photocopy of a diploma as proof that the photocopy matches the original diploma.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Islamic University of Indonesia offers two services related to the legalization of diplomas, grade transcripts, and study program accreditation certificates:

Legalization services by coming directly to the Faculty or Online Legalization Service.

We are committed to serving legalization requests within a day if you choose the in-person legalization service at the Faculty. For online legalization services, we will send the documents via existing expedition services.

Online Legalization Procedures are as follows:

Online Legalization Submission & Submission Confirmation Click the button below