The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UII is committed to improving the implementation of a quality education system, producing high-quality research, carrying out community service and Islamic preaching through the application of science and technology (IPTEK) based on Islamic values. As well as increasing the ability of competence and national or international collaboration, as well as producing quality Muslim scholars and national leaders.


The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia offers a choice of study programs at various levels including Diploma (D3), Bachelor (S1), Master (S2), and Profession programs.

Find out more about education levels and courses that match your interests and career plans via the link below.

National International
Undergraduate Program in Statistics (+IP) S1 UNGGUL ASIIN JERMAN S.Stat.
Undergraduate Program in Chemistry (+IP) S1 UNGGUL RSC INGGRIS, ASIIN JERMAN S.Si.
Undergraduate Program in Pharmacy (+IP) S1 A ASIIN JERMAN S.Farm.
Undergraduate Program in Chemistry Education S1 BAIK SEKALI ASIIN JERMAN S.Pd.
Diploma Program in Chemical Analysis D3 UNGGUL ASIIN JERMAN A.Md.Si.
Pharmacist Professional Program Profession UNGGUL Apt.
Master Program in Chemistry S2 UNGGUL RSC INGGRIS, ASIIN JERMAN M.Si.
Master Program in Pharmacy S2 UNGGUL M.Farm.
Master Program in Statistics S2 BAIK M.Stat.


New Student Admissions at the Indonesian Islamic University (PMB UII) for Diploma (D3) and Bachelor (S1) education programs are carried out in an integrated manner at the university level. Meanwhile, new student admissions for postgraduate programs follow a selection process organized by each program at the faculty level.

Further information regarding the admission of new students at the Islamic University of Indonesia can be accessed on the PMB UII website.