Since July 2020, the national accreditation status of the Statistics Study Program (Prodi) is accredited A based on BAN-PT Decree No. 3909/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2020. To achieve international accreditation status, Statistics Study Program has received an assessment from one of the International Accreditation Institutions, namely Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatics, Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik (ASIIN). ASIIN is an international accreditation agency from Germany that focuses on engineering, science, mathematics, informatics, agriculture, and economics. Then, on January 13, 2022, ASIIN reported that the Statistics Study Program received ASIIN accreditation for a period of approximately 1 year starting from December 7, 2021 to April 18, 2023. If the requirements set out in the ASIIN Accreditaion Report are met on time, the accreditation will be extended for another period. accreditation is approximately 5 years, which is until September 30, 2027. One of the requirements for fulfilling the 5-year ASIIN accreditation is regarding international mobility.

One of the efforts to fulfill ASIIN’s accreditation, Statistics Study Program is to promote academic mobility. In order to implement these activities, thank God, Statistics Study Program received a grant from the Directorate of Partnerships/Office of International Affairs with the main theme being the Implementation of the MoU in the Framework of Improving International Academic Mobility and International Exposure at PSS UII. One of its international mobility programs is a lecturer exchange. This activity is in the form of involving partner lecturers in research/student guidance and teaching.

In this activity, the study program succeeded in bringing in Dr. Kartick Chandra Mondal is a lecturer in the Department of Information Technology at Jadavpur University, India. He stayed in Indonesia for a period of 1 month (from May to the end of June 2022). Some of his activities include teaching collaboration, research, short courses, even as a student final project examiner. In addition, there was also a curriculum sharing discussion session at the University of Jadavpur which he taught. This is a form of reflection on the study program curriculum so that it remains consistent in competing with the Statistics Department wherever it is located. Besides lecturer exchange, other programs are podcasts to short courses which will continue continuously until August 2022. More complete information can be visited on the statistics program website, namely:

Hopefully in the future, Statistics Study Program will continue to be consistent and continue to take part for the progress of the Indonesian nation and state. Amen Yaa Robbal Aalamiin.

